Valid Value Add-in

Valid Value Add-in

With the Valid Value Add-in it is possible to easily and dynamically link Excel sheets to Powerpoint or Word files. Selections from Excel can be placed in a presentation or report and if something changes in Excel, the image in Powerpoint/Word also changes with the push of a button. A link can also be made from a cell in Excel to written text so that, for example, the description of the outcome of the calculation is automatically adjusted in the written text.

This Add-in also contains useful Excel functionalities. This makes it possible, for example, to quickly jump through an Excel file to the source of a calculation using keyboard shortcuts. With the 'auditor' the whole "tree" of a formula can be made visible, with all references, also from different tabs. The 'Export hard copy' option allows to to select which sheets you want to export and create a hard copy model, where all formulas and hidden data have been removed, so it's safe to share with outside parties. Finally, with the 'file-analyzer' functionality it is possible to clean Excel files for, for example, unwanted links, making files smaller and more manageable.

All these functionalities ensure that reporting and analysis is very efficient. And these functionalities not only work within the Valid Value model, but can be used with all your Excel files. Obviously, our add-in works well with the Valid Value Model.

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